Cloud Computing in Germany Market Survey

Cloud Computing Germany Market SurveyThe Cloud Computing in Germany Market Survey provides a current vendor-independent status as well as a forecast for the future development of the German market for cloud computing solutions from a provider perspective. Since 2009, we have been regularly running surveys on software-as-a-service and cloud computing in Germany. This enables us to present a complete picture on the German cloud computing market for more than a decade with the latest trends, but also trend reversals compared to the surveys of previous years.

2020 Cloud Computing in Germany Market Survey

For the 2020 Cloud Computing in Germany Market Survey, we once again asked Germany-based cloud service providers as well as companies offering cloud computing consulting services in Germany for their assessment of the status of the German cloud computing market. In addition, we wanted to know how they estimate the further development of the German-speaking cloud computing market and the further development of their own cloud computing business.